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A Display of God’s Wisdom

In this sermon we explore the profound wisdom and purpose God has for His Church. The Church is not merely a building; it’s a living assembly of God’s people with a divine mission. This sermon dives into the specific role of the Church in displaying God’s wisdom in all its richness.

“For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” – Proverbs 2:6

As you navigate this week, remember that living with intention and displaying God’s wisdom is a continuous journey. May you find inspiration and guidance in this sermon, and may God’s wisdom shine through you in all that you do.

Live It Out:

  1. Embrace the intentionality of God: Commit to living each day aligned with God’s wisdom.
  2. Seek Divine Understanding: Understand that tapping into God’s wisdom requires a deep connection with Him through prayer and His Word.
  3. Proclaim God’s Wisdom: Share God’s wisdom with others, whether they are part of our faith community or yet to be reached by the good news.


To deepen your understanding of living with intention and displaying God’s wisdom:

  • Reflect on the value of the Church in God’s eternal plan.
  • Understand the multifaceted wisdom of God that supersedes worldly wisdom.

Work Through:

  1. Practical Ways to Demonstrate God’s Wisdom: Dedicate time each day to prayer and Bible study to connect deeply with God and His wisdom.
  2. Share God’s Wisdom: Act intentionally by sharing God’s wisdom through your actions, words, and faith.
  3. Engage with the Church: Embrace a community of fellow believers who support and encourage you on your intentional living journey.


“The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren

This classic bestseller helps you discover your life’s purpose and how to live it intentionally. It provides practical guidance for aligning your life with God’s purpose.

“Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters” by John C. Maxwell

John Maxwell offers valuable insights on how to live a life of significance and impact. Learn how to be intentional in your actions and choices.


“Dear Lord, grant us the wisdom to live intentionally, displaying Your divine wisdom. May we be vessels of Your light and understanding to all, both seen and unseen. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”


Desiring God

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Take a moment to pause and reflect on your own journey of Intentional Living.

    For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

    Proverbs 2:6